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How can I make sure that my batch of Brewsy stays warm enough?Updated 23 days ago

Don’t worry too much — the yeast generate their own heat, so your temps don’t necessarily need to be a consistent 75°F.  Brewsy can be made even in cooler houses.
There are a couple ways you can make sure your wine stays warm without cranking the heat. Feel free to read through all of them and decide which method you’d like to try!
1. Wrap it in a towel or blanket
An insulated grocery bag can be used as well, or even an old hoodie. After it’s all cozy, put it somewhere in your house away from airflow, like a closet, cabinet, or next to your water heater. 


2. Get it started with a short warm water bath
Simply run your wine, cider or mead under warm water in your kitchen sink! At the same time, plug the drain in your sink, and then fill it with warm water. You’re going to want the water to be around 84°F — warm, but not hot to the touch.
Keep your jug of soon-to-be wine in the water bath, and let it sit there for 20 minutes. It will warm up a lot, and it will be able to retain lots of its heat.
After that, you can insulate it with a blanket or two, or with an insulated grocery bag or lunch box, to keep all that newly-generated heat in.
You can repeat this method throughout the process if you notice the fermentation slowing down! 

3. Use a heating device

If you have a seed-warming mat, a space heater, a heating pad, or an electric blanket... it has a new purpose now!
You can put your wine on top of the seed-warming mat and set it to 83°F.
If you’re using a heating pad or electric blanket, you can wrap it around your wine at first. After 12 hours, unwrap it and simply put it next to your wine. These can warm up FAST, and we want to make sure the wine doesn’t reach over 100°F. 

4. Use a water bath

 We have to give credit to the amazing members of Club Brewsy who came up with this one!
 1. Use a sous-vide. Go ahead and put your juice bottle in the sous-vide, and set it to 83°F.
 2. Get a plastic tote (or cooler) and an aquarium heater. Fill your tote with water, submerge your jugs, and set the aquarium heater to 83°F. It uses a surprisingly little amount of electricity, so it’s pretty cost-effective.

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