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How to Fix Problems with Your Wine

My wine tastes yeasty!

Your wine made with Brewsy has no preservatives or sulfites, like wine from the store does. Because of that, there’s still tiny little bits of live yeast in there.  They won’t do any harm, but some people can be a bit sensitive to the taste at first.

My wine tastes way too sweet!

If it's too sweet, don't worry! There are a couple things you can do to fix this. If you’ve racked your wine 0 — 1 times:. Your wine still has live yeast in it, and you can actually let it ferment again! The yeast will continue to eat more sugar. Tak

My wine tastes flat, bitter, or tart. How can I sweeten it?

Luckily, it's easy to fix bitter, flat, or tart wine. All you’ll want to do is give it a bit more sweetness, and it will improve a lot! A little sweetness goes a long way to balance off-flavors and acidity. 🍭 You can do so by backsweetening, or addi

I want my wine to taste more complex and less flat.

If you want to add more depth to the flavor profile of your wine, you can add tannins — all you need to do is make a cup of very strong tea. If you’ve ever tasted that dry flavor in a way that leaves your mouth puckering, that’s from tannins. Tannins